About Us
About UsWe are passionate about creating companies that improve the society in which we live and work. We work with agriculture and food production, export and import, representation of foreign companies, distribution of consumer goods, car sales, real estate development and development of new technologies.
About usAbout Us
People Who Create
People Who CreateDelta was built by people and today the people remain its most valuable resource. By hard work, as if by magic, they keep building a better world for themselves, for the community, for modern and future generations. With knowledge and effort, we have been living and fulfilling our vision for more than three decades.
People Who CreatePeople Who Create
Building a Better World
Building a Better WorldFor us, sustainability is proof of our quality and strength, but it is also our compass. The Delta Foundation strives to set an example, become a role model and set new standards of humanitarian work within the framework of corporate responsibility through its work, and on behalf of the members of the Delta Holding.
Building a Better WorldBuilding a Better World
Naslovna Building a Better World Endowments
Endowment is strategically important, but also a project of historical importance that permanently solves the problems of the community in the field of social protection, education, culture and health.
Within the endowment project, we have been actively working on restoring this extremely important and long-standing tradition in Serbia for 10 years. Recognizing and listening to the needs of the community, we wanted to establish continuity with the tradition of great Serbian endowments, but also to establish a permanent connection between patriotism and the common good.
So far, we have given a total of three endowments to our community:
Sunce (The Sun), a day-care center for young people with disabilities, based on Bežanijska Kosa in Belgrade. This center, which celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2022, today represents a safe place for 80 children and young people with disabilities. With eight day-care centers, nine occupational therapy workshops, a sensory room, a gymnasium and other rooms available, it provides children with disabilities a safe environment for education and socializing.
Center for sports and recreation of people with disabilities Iskra (The Spark), based in Kragujevac. The space, with a capacity of 88 users, is fully adapted to all forms of disability and is equipped with multifunctional spaces for education and inclusive gatherings. Iskra, as the only center of this type in the region, celebrated its sixth birthday in 2022.
The work of art, the sculpture Odande dovde (From Here to Here), the work of sculptors Richard Deacon from Great Britain and Mrđan Bajić from Serbia. This work of contemporary art, which has multiple symbolism and represents a unique combination of different cultures and generations, has been adorning the Belgrade footbridge between Sava Quay and Kalemegdan for five full years.
The Digital Village project creates the possibility for easier, more efficient and sustainable production, higher earnings for farmers and more attractive rural life, especially for young people.
Our Village is a project of reviving and modernizing Serbian villages to raise the life quality and bring young people back into villages.
Sustainable development is an integral part of our business strategy, which is based on respect for the principles of sustainability and responsibility in business and the relationship with the community.
A project in which our employees provide help and support to socially disadvantaged families, spread joy and bring the smiles back to the faces of children during the New Year holidays.
Realizujemo projekte održivog razvoja i time doprinosimo razvoju svih stejkholdera, privrede i društvene zajednice u celini.