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Naslovna Building a Better World Digital Village


Digital Village

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The Digital Village project creates the possibility for easier, more efficient and sustainable production, higher earnings for farmers and more attractive rural life, especially for young people.

Statistics say that Serbian villages are disappearing: out of 4,700 villages in our country, 1,200 will disappear in the next 15 years. More than 1,000 villages have fewer than 100 inhabitants, and more than 200 have no residents under the age of 20.

Agriculture is a great chance for the Serbian economy and the Serbian countryside, but only if it is modern, based on modern information technologies and digital trends.

In 2022, we raised the process of modernization of Serbian villages to a higher level and, together with partners BioSense Institute and Mokrin House, launched the Digital Village project in Mokrin with the intention of connecting the modernization of agricultural production with the digitization process. From 2023, OTP Bank Serbia joined the project as a new and first financial partner.

The project includes 24 farms, and in 2022 we completed the first phase of the project. We held 10 lectures, set up a weather station and started the development of the AgroSense application, which should enable monitoring of crop conditions using mobile phones or computers.

The Digital Village is part of the FOSTER project of the European Commission, whose goal is the development of the Food System.